Monday, September 10, 2007

What Is Wrong With Religion?

What is a Muslim? Syllables: Mus-lim Parts of speech:adjective,noun Part of Speech:adjective Definition 1. of or pertaining to the religion, legal codes, peoples, or culture of Islam. Part of Speech:noun Definition 1. one who is an adherent of Islam.

What is a Christian? One who professes belief in Jesus as Christ or follows the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus. 2. One who lives according to the teachings of Jesus.

I utilize these two definitions largely due to the fact that both of these religions are currently the most controversial. I find that in definition alone, both these terms are similar, with the only difference here is that one is a follower of Islam, the other is followings of the teachings of Jesus Christ. I believe our society as a whole should be ashamed of the self-made meanings which have been performed with both these religions. Radical Christians want to sit and point fingers at the Muslims and the Radical Muslims point their finger's at the rest of the world which indeed is different from them. Both these religions need to come to the realization that religion can not be shoved down the throats of our society. Times have changed, more people are turning away but not necessarily the entity of "God". More and more people are chosing to worship "God" on their on terms as compared to a religion.

Who are Christians to judge any other religion when they have murdered and maimed throughout our history? The "Crusades" comes to mind. The Christians were so humane during the "Crusades" they utilized children with the half-brained notion that "God" would fight through them. According to history, these poor children were set up for failure largely due to the fact that most died on the journey to the "Holy City" to fight and those that did not die were taken into slavery by the Muslims, this episode alone does not say much about the history of Christians.

Who are the Muslims to judge any other religion? They have greatly became misguided on the teachings of Muhammad. Most people that state that Muslims as a whole are terrorists and that Islam as a whole is violent does not truly understand Islam, most of the chaos which is carried out by the Radical Muslims are primarily "Tribal Laws", these are the laws which permits rape victims to be stoned, women to be forced into marriages when they are as young as nine years old, this is not the teaching of Islam, it's the barbaric tactics utilized by men to keep women oppressed in Muslims countries.

Christianity was no better within it's history. The "Salem Witch Trials" is a great example. This was performed by Christian men who were going town to town wiping out the female populations with the sole excuse, "They are witches". One of the many ignorant tactics utilized to form the decision if a woman was a witch, was by throwing her in deep water, if she drowned, she was not a witch, if she floated, she was a witch, therefore to burn at a stake, very scientific I must say and yes, I'm being sarcastic.

Muslim women are actually afforded rights according to Islam. Unfortunately, women are so suppressed in the majority of the Muslim countries therefore being denied education and are illiterate, they can not even read the Quaran to even truly understand their religious rights. I find that radical Christians do the same thing. Christians are just as brutal in the treatment of women. They begin their teachings on the younger population and drill into their head that Homosexuals are evil, that sex before marriage is evil, I sat once and listened to a preacher in a Southern Baptist church preach about how he would love to kill all homosexuals, I remember grabbing my children and leaving the church. This was very disappointing to me, I haven't entered into a Christian church since that Sunday morning or any other church for that matter.

One would think this to possibly be an isolated incident. It is not, this ludicracy is happening across our country. If you think the Muslim faith is radical as a whole, then try looking at our own religions and studying the history and more than likely, you will discover that your own religion is no better. I would like to suggest this to all the radical Christians as well as radical Muslims, why not join forces and call all your murdering and pillaging "THE JIHAD WITCH TRIALS"! I refuse to believe all Muslims are bad, I refuse to believe all Christians are bad, where I am no longer religous, I still believe in God and I think God is in heaven staring down upon the stupidity which people are performing in his name and thinking to himself/herself "YOU STUPID PEOPLE!"

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Go Kart Frames - Choosing the Right One for You

Karting enthusiasts emblazon the image of the perfect chassis in their minds: lightweight, yet powerfully durable material capable of launching a kart forward without the slightest wear or tear. Rare material that comes with the likes of professionally built popular race-cars like the illustrious McLaren. What about karts that could rip through side turns at speeding bullet speeds without raising a wheel a centimeter above the ground, gliding swiftly like a falco such as the futuristic cars in I, Robot? And along with perfect frames comes perfect tires, tires grooven to perfection providing the finest traction and downright freakish controls when running the curve.

Lets discuss the intricacies and place a perspective on frames for your go-kart. The chassis as it is called in professional and enthusiast circles, is by far the most important piece of this machine. The construction is paramount in maintaining a solid go-kart. What constitutes a frame? Think of a frame simply as parts holding a component together. In the case of these speedsters, the frame is welded together by torsion bars. Stiff frames are a result of shorter bars crossed together, and more flexible frames are associated with longer bars.

Stiff frames that do not provide flexibility were the backbone of earlier go-karts and broke down easily. First off, simpler go-karts do not have the specifications needed (most important, suspension and tire traction) to ease the punishment frames go through while turning, accelerating, and stopping. Running on 2 or 4 cycle engines does not help compensate the health of a frame. A lack of traction on your tires will cause uneven weight transfer and stability on your frame, ripping one or both sides loose at the same time. In essence, the frame is responsible for determining how well your vehicle moves zipping on asphalt, concrete, or dirt dictating your performance on wide turns and shorter turns.

A sturdy, well-built frame is the key to manoeuvring well on the track, especially when turning. Wait, isnt a frame supposed to be resistant to the rigors and demands of punishing your go-kart as it explodes forward? Of course but the most important criteria for an excellent frame is to negotiate turns well. Frames are directly responsible for how well go-karts turn left and right. Weaker go-karts with cheap components are known to slide and drift along turns in some instances, flipping to its side entirely with careless driving. Side bite is referred to keeping a go-kart planted to the track without sliding. Without the proper frame, go-karts will manoeuvre out of control, even shutting off in some cases due to over pressure to the engine.

The design of the go-kart chassis has everything to do with how well it moves on turns and maintaining side bite. If the width of the rear rails (go-kart frames constitute front rails and rear rails) is narrow, with measurements ranging from 24 to 25 - from kingpin to kingpin, the ends of the rail it will have less side bite. Wider rails barely ever exceed 30 on standard go-karts. The dynamics of the front and rear rails can be effectively pictured using this example: suppose you had two bottles a two-gallon jug and a 16 oz. Water bottle. Giving it a swift, hard poke to its side which container has the best chance of tipping to its side? If you guessed the water bottle, you guessed right! Wider rails provide stability and foundation while turning, reducing the side bite overall.

Choosing the right frame for your go-kart can largely depend on the surface you are riding on. Whether it is asphalt, concrete, or dirt different types of frames behave differently according to surface. For example, dirt track frames should consist of a short front rail and a longer back rail. Dirt tracks place a lot of stress and challenge on the front rail and stiff back rails zipping through dirt can cut power to the engine while cutting a turn. The best frame for riding dirt tracks are ones with narrow fronts and longer backs, vice versa to asphalt and concrete.

The A-1 performance of a frame largely depends on tire traction as well. Low traction tires (tires that do not stick well to the ground) are not grooved enough to withstand the rigors of the surface, rattling the stiff frame to oblivion. It also causes uneven weight transfer throughout the go-kart, and that is a no-no for maintaining optimum control of your money maker. Consider this scenario: you have two pairs of roller skates. One has wheels half-an-inch in width and the other has 3-inch-wide wheels. Which pair would provide better balance as you roller skate? If you love mathematics, treat traction as a formula with the equation: traction = stability. Go ahead, transform yourself into a karting aficionado with this valuable piece of knowledge!

A major issue among karting enthusiasts is the durability and longevity of flexible frames. Exposure to punishing breaks and turns, along with the gruelling hits to track walls every now and then, can distort the frame which cannot be popped back to its original condition. Experts recommend replacing frames every year. There are many maintenance techniques you could practice on your kart to keep flexibility intact like running your kart through a course backwards. Racing a kart using the finish line as your starting point and your starting point as the finish line will have a reverse effect on the frame, shaping it opposite of what it would be shaped if you were racing the course normally. Its like turning back the hands of time on your speedster!

The question over choosing the right go-kart chassis boils down to flexibility. High traction tires and a stiff frame is a recipe for disaster, causing your machine to turn stiffly and generate strenuous effort on the curves. Low traction tires will cause uneven weight transfer and break apart your frame like bread crumbs. Options for frames mainly depend on what type of go-kart youre riding, as each go-kart and their engine work best under certain scenarios. Stiff frames are a staple of 2-cycle and 4-cycle engines and flexible frames are found with higher horsepower engines. Remember, the more rigorous the circuit, the more flexible a chassis should be!

Michael Walker is a freelance author providing information about a variety of go-kart topics including go kart kits, go kart frames and go kart parts. His articles prove to be both a useful and entertaining resource of valuable information for the karting enthusiast.

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Surgeons: Help Your Patients Recuperate Faster!

Everyone knows that after someone has surgery, whether it is for a medical necessity or for cosmetic reasons, the patient recovers faster and has fewer complications if they take it easy for a little while and do not return to their normal routines too quickly.

Everyone, except the patient it seems.

As soon as the pain wears off to an acceptable limit, they always get up and start doing things like running errands, doing housework, and all of the other things that are on their physicians DO NOT DO list, because they think that those rules are for everyone else. The patient feels better and they get off the couch or out of bed and start moving around normally, and then they start doing themselves more damage than good. There is an increased risk of infection, and post-surgical complications that can INCREASE the amount of time a patient is out of their normal routine.

So, what can be done to help patients get the rest they need to recuperate and recover from surgery in the least amount of time and with the fewest post-surgical complications? What if their surgeon was to recommend a personal concierge service to help out with errands, grocery shopping, arranging for transportation or cleaning services or anything else that may come up while the patient was recuperating?

A.J. di Pota, owner of a personal concierge service, states that there has been quite an interest recently in recovery centers or spas offering post-surgical recovery packages. While going off to a spa would be great for some people, others prefer to recuperate in the comfort of their own homes, but need some help doing the everyday things they would normally be doing if they were not laid up. says Mr. di Pota. Thats where personal concierge services are a godsend. Also while the patient is recovering, out-of-town relatives and friends can be sure that someone is looking in on and doing tasks for their loved one.

For a marginal cost compared with increased time off from work and the pain and suffering that comes from infections and post-surgical complications, the patient can relax and recover in a minimal amount of time. Not only that, but who wouldnt want to be pampered while theyre recuperating?

Rates for personal concierge services vary throughout the country, and you can expect to pay a premium for service in large metro areas like NYC and LA.

To find a personal concierge service in your area, you may want to contact your local chamber of commerce, where you may find at least one personal concierge service as a member.

So, when making plans for care after your surgery, consider recovering at home with a home health care aide for the medical treatments, and a personal concierge service doing all of the other tasks so that your recovery can be as pleasant and as speedy as possible!

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7 Qualities of a Good Husband

Looking for a potential husband - maybe you're looking to improve the one to whom you're married? Perhaps you're a husband looking to improve yourself? Regardless of your reason, wouldn't the following qualities be a good place to start?

  • 7) Handy - Guys, are you handy - what is handy? Handy is when you take action to solve a problem, handy is when you change a light bulb without complaint, handy is when you take out the garbage (your idea, not hers). Wives like for their husbands to be handy - it's not hard, be part of the solution - not the problem.
  • 6) Provision Oriented - Please don't get excited - this isn't about the husband making all the money. Its an attitude to help your wife fill in gaps. She can't do everything - so help her! Is she busy with the kids - give up 10 minutes of the ballgame and clean dishes, fold laundry, or whatever. You don't even need to be all that big of a help - you just need to show you're trying.
  • 5) Humility - Nobody likes an arrogant man - there's no place for it in marriage. Show humility - when you're wrong - admit it and do so with humility. She'll probably be shocked and her reaction might be unpredictable - but inside she'll glow with admiration.
  • 4) Adaptability - Guys, marriage is an ever changing world and you've got to adapt favorably to those changes or you'll find yourself wondering what you're doing and how you got there. If you look closely at your wife - filtering out years of environmentally induced behavioural changes - you'll see that glowing woman you fell in love with years ago. Let me explain further - my love and feelings toward my wife have not changed since the day we married. However, our relationship has changed as a necessity to those changes around us. Time constraints, needs of children, financial obligations, etc. each require a level of effort that takes time away from our relationship. No longer do we have the luxury of hours to spend alone together. You're success as a husband will largely be dependent on your attitude toward the adaptations required by life. Lastly, don't let the tail wag the dog - don't let your feelings toward life's changes affect feelings toward your wife - leave this to your heart.
  • 3) Sensitivity - You can forget what you learned in high school - most women aren't looking for a husband who never cries. A sensitive husband perceives the needs of his wife and looks to meet them. Sensitivity toward your wife will open doors of communication and intimacy you never thought possible. Try it, get that chip off your shoulder and show her some sensitivity.
  • 2) Faithfulness / Loyalty - Show her you're in it for the long haul (notice I said show her). How can you show someone you're faithful and loyal? Do you follow through with your commitments - however small they might be? Are you honest with your wife? Do you keep her up to date on your activities? Do you include her in your world? She's interested - show her it's not just about you - its about her as well and you'll reap the benefits of her security.
  • 1) Good Listener - This might be the biggest challenge for husbands. You see, by nature, men are usually productive oriented and women are usually more relational. Men often make the mistake of trying to solve their wife's "problems". She doesn't want you to solve anything - she wants you to listen (really listen) and show her that you truly are interested in what she says. She wants you to feel what she feels and live what she lives. When you learn to truly listen to your wife and keep your mouth shut - your marriage will blossom.

  • E Lawrence Welch

    Mr. Welch is a student of marriage, relationships, and love. He also owns and operates an online retail holster store at

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